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Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis
Diploma of Automotive Technology
Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
Certificate IV in Automotive Electrical Technology
HEV and EV Electric Safety Training
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Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
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Expression of Interest (Reassessment)
Expression of Interest (Reassessment)
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Student Name
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Qualification / Course
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AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
AUR40216 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis
AUR50216 Diploma of Automotive Technology
BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
AUR30320 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits
AURETR123 Diagnose and repair spark ignition engine management systems
AURETR125 Test, charge and replace batteries and jump-start vehicles
AURETR129 Diagnose and repair charging systems
AURETR130 Diagnose and repair starting systems
AURETR131 Diagnose and repair ignition systems
AURLTB103 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems
AURLTD104 Diagnose and repair light vehicle steering systems
AURLTD105 Diagnose and repair light vehicle suspension systems
AURLTE102 Diagnose and repair light vehicle engines
AURLTZ101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle emission control systems
AURTTA104 Carry out servicing operations
AURTTA118 Develop and carry out diagnostic test strategies
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems
AURTTC103 Diagnose and repair cooling systems
AURTTE104 Inspect and service engines
AURTTF101 Inspect and service petrol fuel systems
AURTTK102 Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace
AURAFA103 Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace
AURAFA104 Resolve routine problems in an automotive workplace
AURETR128 Diagnose and repair instruments and warning systems
AURETR132 Diagnose and repair automotive electrical systems
AURETR143 Diagnose and repair electronic body management systems
AURLTJ102 Remove, inspect, repair and refit light vehicle tyres and tubes
AURLTJ113 Remove, inspect and refit light vehicle wheel and tyre assemblies
AURLTQ101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle final drive assemblies
AURLTQ102 Diagnose and repair light vehicle drive shafts
AURLTX101 Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions
AURLTX102 Diagnose and repair light vehicle automatic transmissions
AURLTX103 Diagnose and repair light vehicle clutch systems
AURTTA105 Select and use bearings, seals, gaskets, sealants and adhesives
AURTTJ011 Balance wheels and tyres
AURTTK001 Use and maintain measuring equipment in an automotive workplace
AURTTZ102 Diagnose and repair exhaust systems
AURTTA021 Diagnose complex system faults
AURETR037 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle safety systems
AURLTB104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle braking systems
AURLTD109 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle steering and suspension systems
AURLTE104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle petrol engines
AURLTX104 Diagnose complex faults in light vehicle automatic transmission and driveline systems
AURTTA125 Diagnose complex faults in vehicle integrated stability control systems
AURTTR101 Diagnose complex faults in engine management systems
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms
AURAEA004 Manage environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURAFA007 Develop and Document specifications and procedures
AURAFA006 Conduct research and present technical reports
AURETA004 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in convenience and entertainment systems
AURETE001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in engine management systems
AURLTB002 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle braking systems
AURLTD007 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle steering and suspension systems
AURLTE003 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle engines and fuel systems
AURLTQ003 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle transmission and driveline systems
AURTNA001 Estimate and quote automotive vehicle or machinery modifications
AURTTA022 Develop and apply mechanical system modifications
AURAMA005 Manage complex customer issues in an automotive workplace
MSMENV472 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBLDR812 Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships
PSPMGT012 Facilitate knowledge management
BSBINS603 Initiate and lead applied research
BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility
AURASA102 Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURETR112 Test and repair basic electrical circuits
AURETR125 Test, charge and replace batteries and jump-start vehicles
AURETR132 Diagnose and repair automotive electrical systems
AURTTE104 Inspect and service engines
AURETR123 Diagnose and repair spark ignition engine management systems
AURETR131 Diagnose and repair ignition systems
AURETR124 Diagnose and repair compression ignition engine management systems
AURETR135 Apply knowledge of petrol and diesel engine operation
AURETR129 Diagnose and repair charging systems
AURETR130 Diagnose and repair starting systems
AURETR006 Solder electrical wiring and circuits
AURETR007 Apply knowledge of automotive electrical circuits and wiring systems
AURETR009 Install vehicle lighting and wiring systems
AURETR010 Repair wiring harnesses and looms
AURETR027 Install ancillary electronic systems and components
AURETK002 Use and maintain electrical test equipment in an automotive workplace
AURETR128 Diagnose and repair instruments and warning systems
AURETR143 Diagnose and repair electronic body management systems
AURTTA118 Develop and carry out diagnostic test strategies
AURAFA104 Resolve routine problems in an automotive workplace
AURTTA104 Carry out servicing operations
AURTTK102 Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace
AURTTK001 Use and maintain measuring equipment in an automotive workplace
AURAFA103 Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace
AURLTJ102 Remove, inspect, repair and refit light vehicle tyres and tubes
AURTTJ011 Balance wheels and tyres
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems
AURLTB103 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems
AURLTD104 Diagnose and repair light vehicle steering systems
AURLTD105 Diagnose and repair light vehicle suspension systems
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I understand that an expression of interest must be completed only after receiving the final outcome of my assessment or the resolution of any appeals made against received results.
I understand that additional fees apply for any additional training or re-submissions of assessments.
I understand that I will be sent a fee quotation on the basis of this expression of interest and that I have to accept the quotation and pay the invoice within the required time-frame.
I understand that re-submission may not be granted if assessments are found to contain plagiarism.
For more information regarding this, please read our policies
Completion within expected course duration and Monitoring Course Progress Policy and Procedure (International Students)
Mars Institute Students Assessment Policy (VET Accredited Courses)
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